Voices for Europe: Jan Sowa from Poland (30.04.2021)

This series of podcast-interviews gives researchers from all over Europe a voice. How is the project of European integration viewed in different countries? What will the European Union look like after Brexit? We exchange views from different countries, talk about background specifics, and try to give an honest assessment of the state of the EU.

Jan Sowa suggested to read:
Dorota Masłowska: Wojna polsko-ruska pod flagą biało-czerwoną. Lampa i Iskra Boża, Warschau 2002; English edition: (translated by Benjamin Paloff): White and Red, Atlantic Books 2005.

Moderation: Felix Heidenreich (IZKT)

A project produced in cooperation with the Public Library of Stuttgart and Stiftung Geißstraße Stuttgart.

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